Rebecca Benny - Digital Art Portfolio

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.

- Twyla Tharp

           A sunset at Cape Henlopen, Delaware. Taken by Rebecca Benny 


All the pictures that are being shown on this website have been taken by me. Although they aren't that perfect, art and photography is a way that I can escape from the problems in this world. I just try to capture every moment that makes me feel free.

My Work

For now you won't see something so professional, but my pictures are mainly nature. Just simple and natural; or everyday things that you just may want to see if you just happen to see it somewhere.


I approach my work with just my heart and soul, or with what I feel that would make others just stop and stare at it. As mentioned before, my photography skills aren't so great, but art has been something I've been doing ever since I was a child.